A perfume is a blend of fragrant oils aroma, compounds and fixatives that produces a pleasant soothing scent for humans and other living objects.
The importance of perfume cannot be over emphasized. Imagine the human body without a perfume on it. Imagine inhaling ton of sweat and body odour! Eeeew! You will say. Foul smell can cause one to vomit and even upset the tummy.
Lets go back to the history of perfume. The word perfume is a Latin word ''perfumus'' which means through smoke.
In East Asia, most of their fragrances are incense based. Perfumery came to Europe in the 14th century due to Arabic influences.
The first modern perfume was introduced by Hungarians, made of scented oils blended in an alcoholic solution.
France became the European centre of perfume in no time due to cultivation of flowers.
Perfumes were used primarily by royalty and the wealthy to mask body odours during the Renaissance.
Globally, the perfume industry has come to stay as a result of this there are many brands to choose from.
As a perfume lover, I can't stay without perfume for a day!
A middle aged man once told me that perfumes drive away evil spirits(hmm!) don't know about that.
According to Coco Chanel: " A woman who doesn't wear perfume has no future". - Harsh words you would say!
1. It boosts confidence: Just like wearing your best clothes you will always feel on top of the world. A good perfume boosts your confidence and morale.
2. It treats insomnia: Having difficulty sleeping? perfume to the rescue! Use essential oils(therapeutic) which help you relax and have you will have a sound sleep.
3. Keeps away body odour: Wearing a perfume makes you smell good.
4. Mood Enhancer: Perfume lifts your spirit. Sometimes, your mood determines the type of perfume you wear; reserved, playful or mischievous.
5. It makes you attractive: Our sense of smell comes to play here. You can find someone by his perfume. Perfumes contain pheromones that make you attractive.
6. It triggers memories: Wearing a perfume can trigger fun memories, especially when you are close to someone.
7. Aphrodisiac: Remember that Brandy song? It says " you are my aphrodisiac...... when I go ......come back....." Wonderful song! There are some types of perfumes that contain pheromones, which have aphrodisiac properties and this explains the reason you get attracted to someone because of their perfume.
So, whatever you do, always remember: Smell good always!
Lots of love,
Barbara Onyekwere
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